Here at Sonlight we dry our clothes on the line to save on the electrical bill. (Whatever money is left over at the end of the summer is split into bonuses for the staff, so we all are pretty good at conserving energy.) Unfortunately the day I decide to do laundry it rained, and its still raining.. so I guess its just an extra rinse cycle.
Staff training is almost over, we are kind of just doing some last minute counselor training and chores that need to be done before campers get here.
We went backpacking a couple nights ago.. that was pretty fun. I took some pictures and hopefully I can put them up soon. I'm pretty tired though from everything that has been going on and am totally looking forward to our day off on Saturday. A few of us are going to Durango for the day to hang out outside of camp.
Anyways I've been really lucky to meet some very awesome people here, and I'm SUPER excited for campers to get here.
I am so glad you are having fun!
I feel like I have the complete opposite happenings with the same results. For example, instead of being in the foresty-nature all day, im in urb-city. it's go go go all the time. people will step over you if you go too slow. and your out in "nature nature nature" land, and yet we both feel exhausted and are SO ready for a break for a day.
but i love it here just as u love it there. i hope we chat sometime soon! i miss that 5 hour in the hot tub.
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