Sunday, July 6

Telluride & By Myself Time

Who we bumped into in Telluride!
Telluride was a lot of fun! Me and Katie took the above picture there, which was a highlight, but we felt like total creepers about it. T-Ride, as they call it, is a very beautiful town, I would love to spend the fourth there again;  its a little too pricey and touristy for my taste, however. The fireworks show was great!

Right now I am sitting in a coffee shop in Pagosa by myself and I am super excited about it. 
For the last 24 hours I have been BY MYSELF and its been wonderful. Not that I'm a loner or anything but being with everyone all the time and never being able to do my own thing is not very relaxing. My roomie Katie leant me her car so I've been able to go anywhere I want and just do what I want to do. Just having the freedom to not have to fit other peoples opinions into my plans has been wonderful.
 I have also decided that if I bought a decent sized car, I could totally live in it - highway vagabond style. Last night when I came back into town I went up to camp to get some stuff together, then I drove back down and slept in the car for the night. Now, I know this sounds super sketch but I couldn't bring myself to stay at camp quite yet. I made sure I was in a safe area... at first I was going to camp out in the national forest but I just got super freaked out and had to drive someplace else. 

Anyways next week is a rental group, so we are all on support in the back. Hopefully it will be fun. It means we have some time off every night, so that will be very nice to relax and not have to be "on" around kids the whole week.

Brad J has a quote on his blog that I really like, so I think I'll end with that. 
"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin -- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

Peace in Him


Bradley Jansen said...

I can't believe you saw Tom and Kate! (or is it Katie?)

I'm glad you read my quote and even quoted it! I feel famous.

I hope your next few weeks go great!

Teresa said...

I finally remembered my password. Yippee!!! glad you enjoyed your alone time. Lucky you, seeing the Cruises. Have a great week.