Friday, May 30

Staff Training

I'm sitting in an old ski lift chair that has been remodeled into a porch swing. Its pretty cool. 

'Nayways we had our first day of staff training today, pretty basic stuff, and now we are done and on a "break" until dinner starts at 6... so I'm enjoying the mountain scenery WHILE taking advantage of wireless... I'm pretty excited about it. 

Some quick highlights:
-I got to paint the craft bus yesterday! It was pretty cool. Its a school bus renovated into a craft area.. its cool its painted neon green and pink and yeahhh I want to live in it.
-I took some pictures of the area, if I don't post pictures today I will tomorrow hopefully.
-Tonight we are going on a hike to the spring (the camps water source), and I'm helping Mary (one of the directors) paint blazes unto the trees to mark the trail. She and Winston went on the A.T. over april and thats where she got the idea.

Mom and Dad, the wireless might be too slow to do skype. I dunno.

A view from the top of the climbing wall.
The meadow, dining room, and some cabins.

Thursday, May 29

In Colorado!

Some photos from the ride:

The bus was so packed at one point that people were sitting on the floor

How Nick passed about 90% of the time, playing Pokemon.

Waiting to leave in Tulsa OK

Right at the border of NM and CO, see the mountain peaks in the distance?

After spending about two days on a greyhound bus, I am super excited to be at Sonlight! It was strange, I never really came to terms with the fact that I was actually going until I reached the Durango bus stop & Heidi, the camp director, was picking me up. The trip wasn't too bad; actually, I would do it again.. some highlights of the bus ride were: people watching in Chicago (lots of amish people ride the bus), seeing the St. Louis arch & the Mississippi River, driving through New Mexico (beautiful scenery), and eating a real sandwich. The only downsides were when me and Nick didn't get to sit together, so I was trying to sleep next to some random guy form Chicago to St. Louis, and that was kind of awkward. Another con was the food. It was super nasty and nothing ever sounded good so I think I ate like some vending machine crackers and a muffin.
Anyways on to where I am now. Its beautiful! The mountains are gorgeous, the stars are awesome (I saw three shooting stars when we were in the hot tub tonight) and the weather is nice too. Everyone here is making me feel really welcome and right at home. I feel SO BLESSED that everything is working out. I think thats why I never really got too nervous about it, it was just God taking care of everything.
I am SUPER tired, so I'm going to head to bed. 

Saturday, May 24

West Side Weekend

I'm pretty bad at saying good bye for a while. Not because I get all emotional or whatever, but because I don't really believe people when they tell me I won't be seeing them for a while. I mean, it makes sense that I will not be, since I am going to CO and whatever; I don't know its just weird.
Anyways, the weekend was fun. Nice seeing everyone before they leave, etc. I'm pretty tired today though, and not feeling so hot thanks to the long car ride home and all the junk food we ate during it.

(We went to the beach to watch the sunset last night.)

Wednesday, May 21

Last Days at Home

So sometime between me being utterly bored on the computer and mowing the lawn for fun, May kind of flew by. Although I really don't believe it, in a few days I'll be sitting on a bus for 40 hours heading out to Sonlight for the summer. 
I guess I'm just trying to make the most of out Michigan right now. Nick and Anna came over last weekend, and me and Jordo are heading out their way tomorrow. It will be nice to spend time together before everyone ships off for the summer. I'm not sure I will get to see Brad or not, kind of bummed about that & the fact that Dylan can't make it.
Aside from that, I've been trying to spend time with my family, see some old friends from high school, and just take things easy. (Which is definitely easier said than done.)

some pictures from the weekend
(jumping on jordan's tramp)