Friday, May 30

Staff Training

I'm sitting in an old ski lift chair that has been remodeled into a porch swing. Its pretty cool. 

'Nayways we had our first day of staff training today, pretty basic stuff, and now we are done and on a "break" until dinner starts at 6... so I'm enjoying the mountain scenery WHILE taking advantage of wireless... I'm pretty excited about it. 

Some quick highlights:
-I got to paint the craft bus yesterday! It was pretty cool. Its a school bus renovated into a craft area.. its cool its painted neon green and pink and yeahhh I want to live in it.
-I took some pictures of the area, if I don't post pictures today I will tomorrow hopefully.
-Tonight we are going on a hike to the spring (the camps water source), and I'm helping Mary (one of the directors) paint blazes unto the trees to mark the trail. She and Winston went on the A.T. over april and thats where she got the idea.

Mom and Dad, the wireless might be too slow to do skype. I dunno.

A view from the top of the climbing wall.
The meadow, dining room, and some cabins.


Anna Lynn said...

sweet pics dude! it looks great there....

Grandma said...

Hey Heather I just set gramma up so she can comment too. Meagan and I are at her house right now. The view is beautiful. Are you having any problems with the altitude yet? Glad you are having a good time. Love you,
Mom and Gramma

Bradley Jansen said...


Hope your still having fun.

Bummer you can't update more. Cause I come to your page everyday. muwhaha

What is skype?

Well counsel to your core, and create creativity care-ingly for the children.