Wednesday, May 21

Last Days at Home

So sometime between me being utterly bored on the computer and mowing the lawn for fun, May kind of flew by. Although I really don't believe it, in a few days I'll be sitting on a bus for 40 hours heading out to Sonlight for the summer. 
I guess I'm just trying to make the most of out Michigan right now. Nick and Anna came over last weekend, and me and Jordo are heading out their way tomorrow. It will be nice to spend time together before everyone ships off for the summer. I'm not sure I will get to see Brad or not, kind of bummed about that & the fact that Dylan can't make it.
Aside from that, I've been trying to spend time with my family, see some old friends from high school, and just take things easy. (Which is definitely easier said than done.)

some pictures from the weekend
(jumping on jordan's tramp)


Enterprise Micro Solutions said...

Cool blog. I could not see the pictures however.
