Monday, June 16

Campfire Skits

First week of counseling! I am super happy about it. It was fun to take pictures for a while, but its nice to just be with kids now.

I don't usually have much time to go online or anything, but we have like 20 min breaks here and there, hence this post.
I'm in a cabin with a volunteer counselor who is here for the week, its working out pretty good. We have awesome CITs and super awesome girls. They are 5th and 6th graders.. tons of energy, which isn't ALWAYS a great thing, but most of the time it is.
We have the campfire skit tonight, it is pretty cute.



Bradley Jansen said...


glad to hear its well.

I am planning skits for the church VBS I am going to down here. I actually am getting involved outside my internship which is cool.

I hope ur breathing in the fresh air, cuase its super polluted on this end of teh country

Julie Schrotenboer said...

Hi Heather -
Anna gave me your blog site. It sounds like you're having a blast and working really hard! I hope you're enjoy every minute in Colorado. Take some snow home for me! ~ Love, Mrs. S.